Category Archives: Comings and Goings

General Conference

Was amazing! I am go glad that I got to watch most of it! I would have watched all of it, but i missed about the last 45 minutes of the Saturday Afternoon session, because I though I had to go into work at 330 but actually I didn’t have to be there until 430pm. Nevertheless, it was a great weekend.

On Sunday Sherrie made the most Wonderfully,ย  Amazing cinnamon rolls ever! My mouth waters just thinking about them! hehe and between session, Sherrie and I went to Mike and Shannon’s house to have a pot luck lunch. It was so good that I ate too much and thus became way tired during Sunday afternoon session. It didn’t help that we had to listen to it on the radio, (although the sound was amazing compared to my dinky tv at my apartment) because their cable tv wasn’t working.

I am so grateful for the leaders of our Church who declare the words of the Lord, and what He would have us do in this day.

In my Teachings of the Latter Day Prophets institute class, we talked about conference. One girl shared an experience she had while in Salt Lake: she said that while she was walking to the conference center, there were of course the protesters/picketters but she told about one sign she saw that was positive. It said something like: “California thanks you” …or something of the like. I thought that was really cool. There really are nice people in the world today. I really believe that everyone is nice, unless proven wrong, not the other way around. I don’t think people should be treated as mean, until proven nice. I believe it is important to be nice to everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Earth

So I am studying Geology rightย  now in my physical science class, and I must admit that I enjoy it. I really liked it when i took it in high school (though before I thought it would be boring-who wants to learn about dull rocks?). There really is so much more to it than rocks and minerals. The whole earth’s history is found upon the Earth’s crust. I think that one reason I really enjoy it is because I get to learn about all the wonderful creation of the Lord. I’ve kinda always taken for granite (which is metamorphic limestone – no pun intended) that fact that the Savior created the Earth. To me that is a completely uncomprehensible statement. The more I learn about the Earth and everything in and around it, the more I understand how ignorant I am, as well as how omnipotent God and Jesus Christ are. Heavenly Father does exist. The Savior is the Only Begotten Son of the Father. I know for myself that this is true. I also love learning the importance and signifigance and truth of the eternal truths of the plan of salvation. ๐Ÿ™‚

thank you for reading!


Spring Break!

OH my! it has been a while.

So far this semester is crazy busy. I work about 25 hours a week and study just as much with 10 credit hours of class. I reallyenjoy it here ay Utah State. The campus is really nice and the city is growin’ on me. I’m begining to recongnize people as I walk around campus, and my classes are going well so far.

I took a Spring Break trip to Boise, to visit friends and family. Though I couldn’t stay very long, I was able to spend time with friends. It was great to catch up with everyone I saw.

I couldn’t leave on Monday night as I has planned because of a HUGE snow storm that came through Cache Valley, we got dumped on with at least 10 inches of snow!

Allison was generous enough to let me stay at her apartment. Tuesday night, we had a “girls night out” with Clair, Ashley, Maddi, Allison and I. We went to dinner at Cafe Ole then to a movie: “He’s Just Not That Into You” which was really funny, though a bit too much inappropriate content, it was relate-able on a some levels – which made it even more funny.

The next day I accompanied Allison to her institute class: “Book of Mormon II” with Brother Spjuit. He talked about opportunities and how we should not miss them, and take them when they come. It was a really good lesson. After that I went to lunch with Yeng and Sunny to Baja Fresh – I got Mahi Mahi tacos. They were amazing! Allison and Sunny and I went shopping at the mall later, and I saw Trina there. That night I went with Lynette, and Carol, to TCBY because it was “Waffle Cone Wednesday”, we met up with Trina and Sunny and a couple of her friends. It was fun. After that I rented “Madagascar 2” and watched that with Allison. I loved it! I want the soundtrack!

Thursday morning I went to Proto’s with Allison, which is my favorite restaurant ever!, then later I was able to have time to talk to my sister, Michelle. She is doing great. I am glad that she is graduated and working hard, starting her career in her field of study. I wish I could see her and Colt more frequently. I left at 3pm on Thursday in order to make it home before dark and also to have time this weekend to do homework.

Welp! spring break is over, for me anyway. I need to get back to homework. The good thing is that I don’t have to work for the rest of the week which gives me time to catch up on homework. Hopefully I won’t be so incredibly busy that my blog becomes neglected! ah! I’ll do better, I promise!

Thanks for readin! Have a fabuloso day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Spirit of Christmas

My family is wonderful. This Christmas has been the best ever. The whole family together. Opportinties for service. Snow. Giving gifts. Playing games. Eating wonderful food! and best of all, I was able to have the Spirit of Christmas, in which i could happily be of service, and that i could be happy with gifts i recieved. Im embarassed to say that inย  years past, my focus would be on what i would be getting for Christmas. But this year i really could not think of anything i wanted other than what i felt i really needed. As a whole i just felt less excited about presents and more excited about family and Christmas – the opportunity to celebrate our Savior’s birth. I also love that opportunities for service arose. I feel that because I had a desire to help people out, Heavenly Father proveded such occasions.

I’ve finally learned how to have the Spirit of Christmas, and how to really celebrate Christmas.

Thanks for reading! Merry Christmas!

I almost caused a pile-up.

So, I almost died the other day well I think is was Friday actually, yesterday, anyway it snow about 6 inches or more that morning and I left for work at a decent time, 11am, and as I merge into the left turning lane to turn left into Hamilton’s I came up behind this car, also turning left into Hamilton’s, and I was going to hit this car, so instead i veer left, not right because there were cars next to me, so my next best idea was to veer left into on coming traffic! two cars were coming in each lane and im still going pretty fast so i decided to go faster and JUST BARELY make it out of the way. Heavenly Father was really watching over me. I am sooo grateful that i didnt get into an accident.


Thanksgiving traditions are always enjoyable. I went home this year and spent time with my family, well half, my older siblings were not present this year, but at Christmas everyone is supposed to be home. It will be great! Growing up, It was tradition to go sledding on thanksgiving while mum cooked dinner, but now there is no snow! It snowed a little the day after, but not much. I helped mum cook dinner along with Sherrie, my little sister, we ate around 6pm. It always takes all day to cook dinner but that is ok because we have all day to do so. After dinner I took a nap on Jack, my little brother’s, bed, after he kicked me off the couch. I could barely eat pie, I was so full still. Sherrie, my mum and I went to see Twilight. They had not seen it, and it was worth watching twice, though I think that is about it. I’m not that crazy about it. They next evening (friday) I went to the Forgotten Carols concert, well it was actually more a play, well a musical. But it was great. Michael McLean has great talent. It was an enjoyable evening with my family.

Service Auction

FHE was really fun tonight. We as a ward did a service auction and ended up raising over a thousand dollars to give to charity. I think a program called: “Sub of Santa” so that christmas gifts can go to families in need. I made a pumpkin cheesecake pie that went for about twenty dollars ๐Ÿ™‚ and I spent $75 myself. I “bought” a pair of earrings, a pumpkin pie, an oil change and my roommate and I bought breakfast from a couple of guys in our ward, one of which is my home teacher. So that should be fun. I’m grateful for the opportunity to give to charity; I hope I didn’t spend too much. I hope that I will be able to pay my upcoming bills! ah! haha we will see. I’m sure everything will be alright. I heard once that if you can’t learn to give of your money/substance when your poor, then you will never learn how to give. So that is what I’m trying to do. ๐Ÿ™‚


This weekend was awesome! I went to the best concert ever! I can’t believe it still! ok story time…

I went to Coldplay with my friends from Boise: Allison, Ashley and Juliana. It was great to see them again. We went to a great italian restaurant called Biaggi’s. The food was amazing. I ordered a great wild mushroom soup and crab and shrimp canelloni. soo so good. I wanted to try everyone else’s dishes so we all rotated our plates for everyone to try. That was Ashley’s idea and I was awesome! I can’t believe I’ve never thought of that before!ย  After eating we walked back to the car (we had a great parking spot) and left our food there and also our cameras! sad! because we thought that they weren’t allowed, but everyone had one! ๐Ÿ˜ฆย  aw well. thank goodness for camera phones haha. anyway we got in, bought some merchandise and were in our seats a half hour early. it was cool to be there, though we were in the nose-bleed and the farthest from the stage. While we were looking at the program, we noticed people with radios and earpieces talking to concert patrons around us, and we were like what is going on! what are they getting! so we make a plan to call one of them over when another guy walks up the stairs by us and Ashley asks him “hey can we talk to you? what is going on?” and he replies with: “how about you come talk to me!” so we four and another couple that was sitting in front of us and run after him to the open area outside the arena. He asks us If we are coldplay fans, and we are like “yeah!” then he is like “ok lets here you scream”, so we did, but then he said “um, im not sure about that” and then we are all sad, but he was totally joking! and he’s like “your going to the floor!” I for one was jumping up and down, screaming. He took our old tickets and gave us new ones. Upon recieving them we all ran down the stairs to the floor, and our tickets were for the third row back! It was so amazing! the stage was awesome. The lights were awesome! the fog was a great effect and the music was great! I am now a fan a Coldplay. They put on an amazing show! They even had tons of confetti! I was screaming and dancing like a crazed fan! I would describe more of the show but it just isn’t the same. The show ended at about 11pm. My good friend Lynette graciously let me and Juliana stay at her parents house with her. She was home for Thanksgiving break. i went to sleep at 12am and didn’t wake until 1130am. I was so sore. It was a tender mercy (to name one of many) of the Lord that Lynette’s family ward wasn’t until 130pm. Im glad I could sleep in and be awake for church. Family wards are always interesting to attend. But I enjoy Singles Wards more because they are a bit more reverent. Anyway, being at Lynette’s house had a welcoming spirit, and her and her whole family were so generous. Such a blessing. I was able to drive home safely and excitely tell my roommates about the concert. This weekend was great. The best ever. Life is wonderful. Now that I have had a sufficient amount of play time, I need to buckle down and study for two weeks to finish the semester strong!

Thank you for reading! Until next time, Have a great day!

Crazy Enough.

So last night, well this morning, I grabbed a few friends who were crazy enough like me to go see “Twilight” at 2:30am. It was really fun! We went and got tickets at midnight for a fear of them being sold out at 2:30, of course it wasn’t, but actually there was a good amount of people there! and when we got out of the movie at 4:30 there was a line waiting to get into the 5am showing. I honestly didn’t think that this movie would be that popular, just goes to show how ignorant I am. Anyway, after we left the movie I was driving up a hill to drop one girl off at her dorm when I got a flat tire! So I back up out of the way and proceed to take everything out of my trunk in order to get the spare and jack out. I must say that I am truly grateful for my dad who taught me how to change a tire. It really isn’t all that hard! I think I would have done pretty well all by myself. But I’m glad I wasn’t, and I’m glad my friends didn’t just stay in the car they were helpful and concerned. I’m also grateful for the guy who stopped by, because even though I know I could have managed it, he pointed out some things that were necessary, like not sticking one’s feet under the car and how to get the hub cap off…I’m grateful for friends who are great examples of faith and righteousness and also for the Lord watching over us in our crazy shinanigan activities.

Welp! I’m off to Salt Lake on another crazy adventure: Coldplay.

Thank you for reading,
